User Benefits
GARANTIE MucoMatrix®️ is a Fiber collagen matrix designed specifically for soft-tissue regeneration in the oral cavity. It is indicated for gaining keratinized tissue and for recession coverage.
GARANTIE MucoMatrix®️ provides an alternative to autologous soft-tissue grafts. Painful harvesting of tissue is avoided, benefiting patients and clinicians alike. It does not erupt through the thread during modeling. Stable volume supporting is used to increase the area and volume of soft tissue around natural teeth and implants. It is easily modeled in size and thickness using a scalpel (in the dry state) and scissors (in the wet state). It is fixed by means of seams, allows open conducting.
Indications for use:-
* Soft tissue augmentation * Vestibuloplasty * Periodontal operation Soft-Tissue Regeneration
Soft tissue regeneration plays an increasingly important role in periodontology as well as oral and maxillofacial surgery.Leading clinicians
rely on GARANTIE MucoMatrix®️ :
* No harvest-site morbidity.
* Less pain compared with autologous grafts.
* Reduced surgical chair-time compared with
autologous grafts.
* Natural soft-tissue colour and texture match.
* Early vascularization and good soft-tissue ingrowth.
* Good wound healing, also in open situations.
* Easy handling and application in a dry state.
GARANTIE MucoMatrix®️ consists of two structures:
the compact structure provides stability while
allowing open healing; the spongy structure
supports blood clot stabilization and ingrowth
of soft-tissue cells.
GARANTIE MucoMatrix®️ is easy to handle compared with autologous soft-tissue grafts1:
* Unlimited availability and consistent quality.
* No need for pre-treatment or pre-hydration.
* Measure the defect and trim the matrix to the required shape.
* Apply the dry GARANTIE MucoMatrix®️ to the defect;
it will moisten rapidly due to marked hydrophilicity.
* Position the compact structure facing outwards
and the spongy structure towards the bone or periosteum.
* Soaked matrix adapts spontaneously to contours and adheres well to defect.
* The compact structure provides optimal suture pull-out strength.
Product Range
GARANTIE Mucomatrix®️ consists of bovine collagen
and is specifically designed for soft-tissue regeneration.
The matrix is available in two sizes:
* 15 x 20 mm
* 20 x 30 mm